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Our collaboration with the popular Asian bistro Noodler helped eliminate staff misunderstandings.

Barbora Balascakova
Marketing Manager
3 mins read time

Our collaboration with the popular Asian bistro Noodler helped eliminate staff misunderstandings with the customers.

Orders, even during rush hours, are always on time. Noodler is a "take away" Asian bistro in the center of Košice. Their noodle boxes combine the tastes of Asia with fresh ingredients, which the customer can mix according to their taste from base to topping.

Karin Zaťko, the manager of Noodler Bistro

Bistro is trying to preserve the authenticity not only of the traditional recipes and ingredients, but also by employing only foreign speaking staff from Vietnam. In some cases, however, there is a communication barrier between staff and customers.

Open kitchen concept allows the customers to see how their food is being made

The staff used to write down the orders on the paper before the kiosk was installed which sometimes caused errors.

Not only the customers had to wait longer but also the staff was kept from their work. Thanks to kiosk, where you can choose Slovak or English language before you start ordering, the order flow has improved significantly and the errors were minimized. The user of the kiosk customizes the food by selecting mandatory and optional ingredients with pre-defined limitations or other restrictions. The kiosk makes sure to guide him through the entire process. "This is how we have modernized our work, the order will come to our kitchen displays and the chefs will see every single ingredient they have to put into the noodle box" says Karin Zaťko, Noodler Bistro manager.

Easy to use enviroment in the Eatster kiosk

The staff gained more time for other tasks

By digitizing the order flow the staff experienced less pressure on them as well as the owner was able to optimize the amount of staff during the day. The staff can focus now more on preparing the orders instead of struggling to communicate with the customers.

By installing the kiosk in our bistro the communication with the kitchen got way easier.

On the kitchen screens staff can see all the details about the order. When the order is done, they press one button and the order calling system on the TV or mobile app notifies the customer about their finished order.

Kitchen display with detailed description of the orders

Where does Karin Zatko see the biggest advantages of the Eatster Kiosk?

“To all the other colleagues from the hospitality business sector I recommend collaboration with Eatster especially because of the improvement of the staff efficiency as well as the user friendly software of Eatster kiosk.”

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